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🚀 Getting Started


Before starting, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Install Rust

    Rust can be installed via rustup, the Rust toolchain installer. Open a terminal and run:

    Terminal window
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Once installed, reload your shell:

    Terminal window
    source $HOME/.cargo/env

    Verify the installation:

    Terminal window
    rustc --version
    cargo --version
  2. Install Git

    On Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions:

    Terminal window
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install git

    On Fedora-based distributions:

    Terminal window
    sudo dnf install git

    Verify the installation:

    Terminal window
    git --version


Option 1: Download Binary

  1. Head over to FerrumC’s Github Actions page.

  2. Open the latest successful workflow (indicated by a green checkmark).

  3. Download the correct pre-compiled zip for your OS (Windows, Linux or macOS).

  4. Unarchive this zipfile and run the binary available inside - See the Run Section.

Option 2: Build

  1. Clone the Repository: Begin by cloning the FerrumC repository to your local machine:

    Terminal window
    git clone
    cd ferrumc
  2. Build FerrumC: Use Cargo (Rust’s package manager and build system) to build FerrumC:

    Terminal window
    cargo build --release

This will create a ferrumc executable in the target/release directory.


  1. Move the FerrumC binary to your desired server directory

  2. Select the latest successful workflow

  3. Optional Generate a config file

    Terminal window
    ./ferrumc --setup
  4. Import an existing world

    Copy the world’s files into the import directory in the FerrumC directory. This should leave you with some folders such as “region”, “data” and “entities” directly inside the import directory.

    Terminal window
    ./ferrumc --import

    The location of these files in minecraft is explained here

    • Directoryimport region files in here
    • config.toml
    • ferrumc


Terminal window

You can change logging level by using --log=<level>:

Terminal window
./ferrumc --log=info #for info level logging
Logging values:
  • trace (Extremely verbose)
  • debug (Default, Slightly verbose, used for debugging)
  • info (Recommended, useful information)
  • warn (Only warnings)
  • error (Only errors)